Running with Broken Bones

My wife claims I became obsessed with running.  She thought it became too important in my life.  She claimed I was imbalanced.  I sure did enjoy running and thought about it often. Ask my wife, I even talked about it often!  Planning my next race and destination and how to train for it was definitely high on the priority list.  Was it an addiction?  Was I out of balance?

I can't answer the question but I do know when I wasn't running my thoughts weren't far off from running.  Strava, Garmin connect, and how to improve became some of my best friends.  When I couldn't run I became cranky.

When I was running 4-6 days per week, I could eat what I wanted and not gain weight.  I looked really good and my jeans fit great.  My blood pressure, cholesterol, and other medical results were always great.

It all happened so quickly and has hit me like a ton of bricks.  Friday the 13th.  A normal day?  Perhaps not!  Thinking back, I can blame it on several things.  Was it running through the pain from the Newtons on the 12th?  Is that how I first injured it?  Was it the fact I ran on Friday the 13th?  Was it the fact that I ran on Friday after experiencing foot pain on Thursday?  Was it smothering my foot in arnica cream before the Mercer Island Half Marathon?   Was it running in the Mercer Island Half Marathon and ignoring the foot pain?  Did I really run a half marathon with a torn ligament and broken bone in my foot?  Phew that does sound crazy!

After running in the Mercer Island Half Marathon, my foot hurt and swelled up.  The swelling lasted for about a week.  The Dr said to wear a boot soooooo I did for two whole weeks.  I tried to run again as soon as the boot came off and less than a mile later the foot was hurting.  I went to a foot specialist and he ordered an MRI.  The MRI showed the 2nd metatarsal was completely fractured and a ligament was torn.  The verdict:  4-6 weeks in a pneumatic boot and then re-evaluate.  In other words, no running for a long time!  Some web articles say this injury takes 6-12 weeks to heal.  Sounds like a lifetime without running!

Am I struggling with this?  You bet!  Is it the end of the world?  No way.  I'll get through this but it sure has changed things for me.  If running was an addiction or an obsession, that is in the past since I can't do it now.  Like everything else in life, this too shall pass and it will make me stronger in the long run.  Oops there I am talking about running again...   

What's next for me?
Trying to patiently wait for my foot to heal.


  1. Nice write up. Hang in there and feel better.

  2. As runners, we always try to power through injuries and ignore the pain. Hopefully you'll come back from this healthier, stronger and ready to set some new PRs. I hope you get better soon!

    1. Thanks Phil. I'm hoping so too but it's gonna be slow.


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