2019 totals and 2020 goals
Hard to believe but another decade (the 20's) has arrived. 2020 sounds like some distant year in the future, not the year we have just entered. I suppose this means I am getting old. Especially when I can say things like I remember back in the 70's I graduated high school. Wow that was 50 years ago! 2019 in typical fashion went by too fast. I learned a bunch and accomplished pretty much all of my goals for the year thanks to dedication to my goals and the help of my new coach called Tridot. Tridot is an online coaching system that maps out all my workouts based on regular assessments and my upcoming goals. For the most part it was easy to learn the Tridot jargon and I jumped in with both feet. The program kept me injury free and well prepared for all my events. The toughest part was learning to run at a zone 2 HR pace. I didn't know it was possible to run that slow but over time learned to enjoy the...