
Showing posts from August, 2015

July 26, 2015 - TriBoulder Sprint Triathlon

  Just like last year, I really enjoyed TriBoulder.  The event is really well organized and Boulder Reservior is a fun place to hang out and do a Triathlon.  There were 3 other people from the Arvada Tri Club there as well as my friend Jeff Nielsen.  My finish time (1:47:24) wasn't fast but overall I am satisfied since I really didn't have much time to train for the event due to the broken foot. My friend Jeff and I arrived at Boulder Reservior around 615am, 1 hour and 30 minutes before my wave started.  That gave us plenty of time to relax and do everything we needed before the race.  As I  walked towards transition they stopped me for body marking.   The wonders of someone writing numbers on you with magic marker.  Is it just me or does that stuff take a day to two to wear off?  Anyway once the marking was complete, I found my transition spot.  It actually wasn't too bad. Fairly close to the bike start/stop but not to t...